You need to show this screen result
to a Campus Safety Officer at the
building entrance
You must always wear a face covering
over your nose and mouth while on
NYU property unless otherwise
provided under University guidelines
Maintain a distance of 6 ft (2m)
from others
Wash your hands with soap and water
or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
before and after touching public
surfaces and items
If You Start To Feel Sick
Immediately find a place away from
Complete the
COVID-19 Reporting Form
to notify the NYU COVID-19
Prevention & Response Team.
Go home promptly.
If you are a faculty member or
employee, alert your department
chair or supervisor that you
will be going home sick. You are
not required to disclose any
details about your medical
history or experiences.
If you need medical care or
additional health guidance, contact
the Student Health Center (students)
or your personal medical provider
(faculty and employees).
The NYU Daily COVID-19 Screener for
Campus Access is not intended to
take the place of consultation with
your medical provider or for the
diagnosis or treatment of disease or
other conditions. If you're in an
emergency medical situation, please
call 911 or your local emergency